April is Earth Month. Earth Day became Earth Month because our climate is in crisis. While the issue seems often too hard to tackle, there’s a lot we can do in our everyday lives to make a big impact.
This month at Little Sesame, we’re going to try to make it easy, and fun to help fight climate change. We’re going to dig into regenerative agriculture and climate friendly foods; connecting the dots between food and climate and shedding light on the fact that we can all be better stewards of the planet by what we put on our plates.
First up, we’re super excited to announce that our annual virtual Earth Day 5K is back on Thursday, April 22. Official start time is 9AM. But you can run whenever you want. Pin on your print-at-home bib and run around your neighborhood until you hit the virtual finish line. Most importantly, please follow these important rules of the road.
We encourage communities near and far to do the same. Our goal is to have 5,000 runners across the planet. Join us and share your run via social media by tagging #run4motherearth! The virtual race is hosted by Little Sesame & our non-profit partner Casey Trees. Together, let’s help plant 100 new trees across city. Donate here!
Date: 9:00AM on April 22, 2021
Place: Get up, get out & run a 5K wherever you are on Earth Day
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